
全新進化的自由狩獵!系列最多登場魔物及最魄力的狩獵;對應Pro控制器震動功能更進一步的臨場感;追加新魔物狩技地圖據點及開放G級任務.搜尋更多.,NSSwitch《魔物獵人世代終極版MonsterHunterGenerationsUltimate》中英文美版·P幣刷星展PChome聯名卡週四加碼回饋P幣2%詳情>·P幣全站限時回饋指定品消費滿2000送4%P ...,本作魔物數量是系列之最,從粉絲最愛的老面孔到全新的神秘魔物都囊括在內!玩家可透過網絡連線或鄰近主機通...

NS Switch 《魔物獵人世代終極版Generations Ultimate》 ...

全新進化的自由狩獵!系列最多登場魔物及最魄力的狩獵; 對應Pro控制器震動功能更進一步的臨場感; 追加新魔物狩技地圖據點及開放G級任務. 搜尋更多.

NS Switch《魔物獵人世代終極版Monster Hunter ...

NS Switch《魔物獵人世代終極版Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate》中英文美版 · P幣刷星展PChome聯名卡週四加碼回饋P幣2% 詳情> · P幣全站限時回饋指定品消費滿2000送4%P ...

Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate™

本作魔物數量是系列之最,從粉絲最愛的老面孔到全新的神秘魔物都囊括在內! 玩家可透過網絡連線或鄰近主機通訊,與最多三名玩家一同聯機合作。於Nintendo Switch《Monster ...


本內容為體驗版,並非遊戲本篇。 狩獵季節開始!廣受好評的動作RPG系列初次登陸Nintendo Switch。隨時隨地在街外或舒適的家中享受狩獵樂趣吧!

Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate (Nintendo Switch)

Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate is the follow-up to Monster Hunter Generations, and marks the Monster Hunter series' debut on Nintendo Switch as an ...

Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate

Players take on the role of a brave hunter challenging larger than life beasts that yield valuable resources used for crafting unique weapons and equipment.

Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate Review

2018年8月28日 — Two years later, the beefed-up Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate has arrived on the Nintendo Switch. Capcom has made a habit out of releasing ...

Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate

This critically acclaimed action RPG series makes its debut on Nintendo Switch. Take on epic hunts on the go or from the comfort of your own home!